audio_analyzer.c | |
 audio_analyzer.h | |
 biquad_filter.c | |
 biquad_filter.h | |
 iasiothiscallresolver.cpp | |
 iasiothiscallresolver.h | |
 pa_allocation.c | Allocation Group implementation |
 pa_allocation.h | Allocation Group prototypes. An Allocation Group makes it easy to allocate multiple blocks of memory and free them all at once |
 pa_asio.cpp | |
 pa_asio.h | ASIO-specific PortAudio API extension header file |
 pa_converters.c | Conversion function implementations |
 pa_converters.h | Conversion functions used to convert buffers of samples from one format to another |
 pa_cpuload.c | Functions to assist in measuring the CPU utilization of a callback stream. Used to implement the Pa_GetStreamCpuLoad() function |
 pa_cpuload.h | Functions to assist in measuring the CPU utilization of a callback stream. Used to implement the Pa_GetStreamCpuLoad() function |
 pa_debugprint.c | Implements log function |
 pa_debugprint.h | |
 pa_devs.c | List available devices, including device information |
 pa_dither.c | Functions for generating dither noise |
 pa_dither.h | Functions for generating dither noise |
 pa_endianness.h | Configure endianness symbols for the target processor |
 pa_front.c | Implements PortAudio API functions defined in portaudio.h, checks some errors, delegates platform-specific behavior to host API implementations |
 pa_fuzz.c | Distort input like a fuzz box |
 pa_gitrevision.h | |
 pa_hostapi.h | Interfaces and representation structures used by pa_front.c to manage and communicate with host API implementations |
 pa_hostapi_skeleton.c | Skeleton implementation of support for a host API |
 pa_jack.c | |
 pa_jack.h | JACK-specific PortAudio API extension header file |
 pa_linux_alsa.c | |
 pa_linux_alsa.h | ALSA-specific PortAudio API extension header file |
 pa_linux_asihpi.c | Host API implementation supporting AudioScience cards via the Linux HPI interface |
 pa_linux_pulseaudio.c | PulseAudio implementation of support for a host API |
 pa_linux_pulseaudio.h | PulseAudio-specific PortAudio API extension header file |
 pa_linux_pulseaudio_block.c | PulseAudio implementation of support for a host API |
 pa_linux_pulseaudio_block_internal.h | |
 pa_linux_pulseaudio_cb.c | PulseAudio implementation of support for a host API |
 pa_linux_pulseaudio_cb_internal.h | |
 pa_linux_pulseaudio_internal.h | |
 pa_mac_core.c | |
 pa_mac_core.h | CoreAudio-specific PortAudio API extension header file |
 pa_mac_core_blocking.c | |
 pa_mac_core_blocking.h | |
 pa_mac_core_internal.h | |
 pa_mac_core_utilities.c | |
 pa_mac_core_utilities.h | |
 pa_memorybarrier.h | |
 pa_minlat.c | Experiment with different numbers of buffers to determine the minimum latency for a computer |
 pa_process.c | Buffer Processor implementation |
 pa_process.h | Buffer Processor prototypes. A Buffer Processor performs buffer length adaption, coordinates sample format conversion, and interleaves/deinterleaves channels |
 pa_pthread_util.c | |
 pa_pthread_util.h | |
 pa_ringbuffer.c | |
 pa_ringbuffer.h | Single-reader single-writer lock-free ring buffer |
 pa_sndio.c | |
 pa_stream.c | Stream interfaces, representation structures and helper functions used to interface between pa_front.c host API implementations |
 pa_stream.h | Stream interfaces, representation structures and helper functions used to interface between pa_front.c host API implementations |
 pa_trace.c | Real-time safe event trace logging facility for debugging |
 pa_trace.h | Real-time safe event trace logging facility for debugging |
 pa_types.h | Definition of 16 and 32 bit integer types (PaInt16, PaInt32 etc) |
 pa_unix_audioio.c | |
 pa_unix_hostapis.c | |
 pa_unix_oss.c | |
 pa_unix_util.c | |
 pa_unix_util.h | |
 pa_util.h | Prototypes for utility functions used by PortAudio implementations |
 pa_win_coinitialize.c | Microsoft COM initialization routines |
 pa_win_coinitialize.h | Microsoft COM initialization routines |
 pa_win_ds.c | |
 pa_win_ds.h | DirectSound-specific PortAudio API extension header file |
 pa_win_ds_dynlink.c | |
 pa_win_ds_dynlink.h | |
 pa_win_hostapis.c | Win32 host API initialization function table |
 pa_win_util.c | Win32 implementation of platform-specific PaUtil support functions |
 pa_win_util.h | |
 pa_win_version.c | Portable implementation of Windows OS version getter |
 pa_win_version.h | |
 pa_win_wasapi.c | WASAPI implementation of support for a host API |
 pa_win_wasapi.h | WASAPI-specific PortAudio API extension header file |
 pa_win_waveformat.c | |
 pa_win_waveformat.h | Windows specific PortAudio API extension and utilities header file |
 pa_win_wdmks.c | Portaudio WDM-KS host API |
 pa_win_wdmks.h | WDM Kernel Streaming-specific PortAudio API extension header file |
 pa_win_wdmks_utils.c | |
 pa_win_wdmks_utils.h | Utilities for working with the Windows WDM KS API |
 pa_win_wmme.c | Win32 host API implementation for the Windows MultiMedia Extensions (WMME) audio API |
 pa_win_wmme.h | WMME-specific PortAudio API extension header file |
 pa_x86_plain_converters.c | |
 pa_x86_plain_converters.h | |
 paex_mono_asio_channel_select.c | Play a monophonic sine wave on a specific ASIO channel |
 paex_ocean_shore.c | Generate Pink Noise using Gardner method, and make "waves". Provides an example of how to post stuff to/from the audio callback using lock-free FIFOs implemented by the PA ringbuffer |
 paex_pink.c | Generate Pink Noise using Gardner method |
 paex_read_write_wire.c | Tests full duplex blocking I/O by passing input straight to output |
 paex_record.c | Record input into an array; Save array to a file; Playback recorded data |
 paex_record_file.c | Record input into a file, then playback recorded data from file (Windows only at the moment) |
 paex_saw.c | Play a simple (aliasing) sawtooth wave |
 paex_sine.c | Play a sine wave for several seconds |
 paex_sine_c++.cpp | |
 paex_wmme_ac3.c | Use WMME-specific interface to send raw AC3 data to a S/PDIF output |
 paex_wmme_surround.c | Use WMME-specific channelMask to request 5.1 surround sound output |
 paex_write_sine.c | Play a sine wave for several seconds using the blocking API (Pa_WriteStream()) |
 paex_write_sine_nonint.c | Play a non-interleaved sine wave using the blocking API (Pa_WriteStream()) |
 paqa.c | |
 paqa_devs.c | Self Testing Quality Assurance app for PortAudio Try to open devices and run through all possible configurations. By default, open only the default devices. Command line options support opening every device, or all input devices, or all output devices. This test does not verify that the configuration works well. It just verifies that it does not crash. It requires a human to listen to the sine wave outputs |
 paqa_errs.c | Self Testing Quality Assurance app for PortAudio Do lots of bad things to test error reporting |
 paqa_latency.c | Test latency estimates |
 paqa_macros.h | |
 paqa_tools.c | |
 paqa_tools.h | |
 patest1.c | Ring modulate the audio input with a sine wave for 20 seconds |
 patest_buffer.c | Test opening streams with different buffer sizes |
 patest_callbackstop.c | Test the paComplete callback result code |
 patest_clip.c | Play a sine wave for several seconds at an amplitude that would require clipping |
 patest_converters.c | Tests the converter functions in pa_converters.c |
 patest_dither.c | Attempt to hear difference between dithered and non-dithered signal |
 patest_dsound_find_best_latency_params.c | |
 patest_dsound_low_level_latency_params.c | |
 patest_dsound_surround.c | |
 patest_enumerate_default_latency.c | List default latencies of available devices in table format |
 patest_hang.c | Play a sine then hang audio callback to test watchdog |
 patest_in_overflow.c | Count input overflows (using paInputOverflow flag) under overloaded and normal conditions. This test uses the same method to overload the stream as does patest_out_underflow.c – it generates sine waves until the cpu load exceeds a certain level. However this test is only concerned with input and so doesn't output any sound |
 patest_init.c | Initialize and terminate PortAudio |
 patest_jack_wasapi.c | |
 patest_latency.c | Hear the latency caused by big buffers. Play a sine wave and change frequency based on letter input |
 patest_leftright.c | Play different tone sine waves that alternate between left and right channel |
 patest_longsine.c | Play a sine wave until ENTER hit |
 patest_many.c | Start and stop the PortAudio Driver multiple times |
 patest_maxsines.c | How many sine waves can we calculate and play in less than 80% CPU Load |
 patest_mono.c | Play a monophonic sine wave using the Portable Audio api for several seconds |
 patest_multi_sine.c | Play a different sine wave on each channel |
 patest_out_underflow.c | Count output underflows (using paOutputUnderflow flag) under overloaded and normal conditions |
 patest_prime.c | Test stream priming mode |
 patest_read_record.c | Record input into an array; Save array to a file; Playback recorded data. Implemented using the blocking API (Pa_ReadStream(), Pa_WriteStream() ) |
 patest_read_record_wasapi.c | |
 patest_read_write_wire_wasapi.c | |
 patest_ringmix.c | Ring modulate inputs to left output, mix inputs to right output |
 patest_sine8.c | Test 8 bit data: play a sine wave for several seconds |
 patest_sine_channelmaps.c | Plays sine waves using sme simple channel maps. Designed for use with CoreAudio, but should made to work with other APIs |
 patest_sine_formats.c | Play a sine wave for several seconds. Test various data formats |
 patest_sine_srate.c | |
 patest_sine_time.c | Play a sine wave for several seconds, pausing in the middle. Uses the Pa_GetStreamTime() call |
 patest_start_stop.c | Play a sine wave for several seconds. Start and stop the stream multiple times |
 patest_stop.c | Test different ways of stopping audio |
 patest_stop_playout.c | Test whether all queued samples are played when Pa_StopStream() is used with a callback or read/write stream, or when the callback returns paComplete |
 patest_suggested_vs_streaminfo_latency.c | Print suggested vs. PaStreamInfo reported actual latency |
 patest_sync.c | Test time stamping and synchronization of audio and video |
 patest_timing.c | Play a sine wave for several seconds, and spits out a ton of timing info while it's at it. Based on patest_sine.c |
 patest_toomanysines.c | Play more sine waves than we can handle in real time as a stress test |
 patest_two_rates.c | Play two streams at different rates to make sure they don't interfere |
 patest_underflow.c | Simulate an output buffer underflow condition. Tests whether the stream can be stopped when underflowing buffers |
 patest_unplug.c | Debug a crash involving unplugging a USB device |
 patest_wasapi_ac3.c | Use WASAPI-specific interface to send raw AC3 data to a S/PDIF output |
 patest_wasapi_eac3.c | Use WASAPI-specific interface to send raw EAC3 data to a S/PDIF output |
 patest_wire.c | Pass input directly to output |
 patest_wmme_find_best_latency_params.c | |
 patest_wmme_low_level_latency_params.c | |
 patest_write_stop.c | Play a few seconds of silence followed by a few cycles of a sine wave. Tests to make sure that pa_StopStream() completes playback in blocking I/O |
 patest_write_stop_hang_illegal.c | |
 portaudio.h | The portable PortAudio API |
 qa_tools.h | |
 recplay.c | |
 test_audio_analyzer.c | |
 test_audio_analyzer.h | |
 write_wav.c | |
 write_wav.h | |