PortAudio  2.0
Data Fields
PaQaData Struct Reference

Data Fields

const PaQaTestParametersparameters
int bytesPerSample
volatile unsigned long frameCounter
volatile unsigned long framesLeft
unsigned long framesPerBurst
unsigned long minFramesPerBuffer
unsigned long maxFramesPerBuffer
unsigned long framesDuration
PaSineOscillator sineOscillators [MAX_TEST_CHANNELS]
void * audioBuffer
unsigned long framesLeft
int numChannels
int mode

Field Documentation

void* PaQaData::audioBuffer
int PaQaData::bytesPerSample
volatile unsigned long PaQaData::frameCounter
unsigned long PaQaData::framesDuration
unsigned long PaQaData::framesLeft
volatile unsigned long PaQaData::framesLeft
unsigned long PaQaData::framesPerBurst
unsigned long PaQaData::maxFramesPerBuffer
unsigned long PaQaData::minFramesPerBuffer
int PaQaData::mode
int PaQaData::numChannels
const PaQaTestParameters* PaQaData::parameters
PaSineOscillator PaQaData::sineOscillators[MAX_TEST_CHANNELS]

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