Consider whether functions which dither but don't clip should exist, V18 automatically enabled clipping whenever dithering was selected. Perhaps we should do the same. see: "require clipping for dithering sample conversion functions?" http://www.portaudio.com/trac/ticket/112
implement the converters marked IMPLEMENT ME: Int32_To_Int24_Dither, Int32_To_UInt8_Dither, Int24_To_Int16_Dither, Int24_To_Int8_Dither, Int24_To_UInt8_Dither, Int16_To_Int8_Dither, Int16_To_UInt8_Dither see: "some conversion functions are not implemented in pa_converters.c" http://www.portaudio.com/trac/ticket/35
review the converters marked REVIEW: Float32_To_Int32, Float32_To_Int32_Dither, Float32_To_Int32_Clip, Float32_To_Int32_DitherClip, Int32_To_Int16_Dither, Int32_To_Int8_Dither, Int16_To_Int32
support paInputUnderflow, paOutputOverflow and paNeverDropInput
FIXME/REVIEW: can't return host error info from an asynchronous thread. see http://www.portaudio.com/trac/ticket/143
if all of the other buffers are also ready then we discard all but the most recent. This is an input buffer overflow. FIXME: these buffers should be passed to the callback in a paNeverDropInput stream. http://www.portaudio.com/trac/ticket/142
implement inputBufferAdcTime
FIXME: should probably reset the output device immediately once the callback returns paAbort see: http://www.portaudio.com/trac/ticket/141
need to handle PaNeverDropInput here where necessary