PortAudio  2.0
Data Fields
paTestData Struct Reference

Data Fields

float sine [TABLE_SIZE]
int phase
OceanWavewaves [16]
unsigned noOfActiveWaves
PaUtilRingBuffer rBufToRT
void * rBufToRTData
PaUtilRingBuffer rBufFromRT
void * rBufFromRTData
PinkNoise leftPink
PinkNoise rightPink
unsigned int sampsToGo
int frameIndex
int maxFrameIndex
unsigned frameIndex
int threadSyncFlag
PaUtilRingBuffer ringBuffer
FILE * file
void * threadHandle
float left_phase
float right_phase
int left_phase
int right_phase
char message [20]
short * buffer
int bufferSampleCount
int playbackIndex
int currentChannel
int cycleCount
double left_phase
double right_phase
short sine [TABLE_SIZE]
float amplitude
double phase
double phaseIncrement
volatile int fadeIn
volatile int fadeOut
double amp
int sleepFor
int sineCount
double phases [MAX_SINES]
int countOverflows
int inputOverflowCount
float phase_increment
float targetBalance
float currentBalance
int numSines
float phases [MAX_SINES]
short interleaved
int numChannels
int countUnderflows
int outputUnderflowCount
float leftPhase
float rightPhase
int state
int beepCountdown
int idleCountdown
sample_t sine [TABLE_SIZE]
unsigned int framesToGo
volatile PaTime latency
volatile PaTime outTime
volatile long frameCount
float waveform [TABLE_SIZE+1]
float phase
float * tune
int notesPerTune
int frameCounter
int noteCounter
int repeatCounter
PaTime outTime
int stopMode
int done
volatile int requestBeep
PaTime beepTime
int beepCount
double latency
PaTime start
int numFrames
int sleepTime
int phases [MAX_CHANNELS]
int sampsToGo
unsigned long minFramesPerBuffer
unsigned long maxFramesPerBuffer
int callbackCount
PaTime minDeltaDacTime
PaTime maxDeltaDacTime
PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo previousTimeInfo

Field Documentation

double paTestData::amp
float paTestData::amplitude

Referenced by PlaySine().

int paTestData::beepCount
int paTestData::beepCountdown
PaTime paTestData::beepTime
short * paTestData::buffer

Referenced by main().

int paTestData::bufferSampleCount

Referenced by main().

int paTestData::callbackCount

Referenced by paqaCheckLatency().

int paTestData::countOverflows
int paTestData::countUnderflows
float paTestData::currentBalance
int paTestData::currentChannel

Referenced by main().

int paTestData::cycleCount

Referenced by main().

int paTestData::done

Referenced by TestStopMode().

volatile int paTestData::fadeIn
volatile int paTestData::fadeOut
FILE* paTestData::file
volatile long paTestData::frameCount
int paTestData::frameCounter

Referenced by TestStopMode().

int paTestData::frameIndex
unsigned paTestData::frameIndex
unsigned int paTestData::framesToGo
int paTestData::idleCountdown
int paTestData::inputOverflowCount
short paTestData::interleaved

Referenced by test().

volatile PaTime paTestData::latency
double paTestData::latency
int paTestData::left_phase

Referenced by main(), PlaySine(), and TestOnce().

int paTestData::left_phase
double paTestData::left_phase
float paTestData::leftPhase
PinkNoise paTestData::leftPink
PaTime paTestData::maxDeltaDacTime

Referenced by paqaCheckLatency().

int paTestData::maxFrameIndex
unsigned long paTestData::maxFramesPerBuffer

Referenced by paqaCheckLatency().

char paTestData::message
PaTime paTestData::minDeltaDacTime

Referenced by paqaCheckLatency().

unsigned long paTestData::minFramesPerBuffer

Referenced by paqaCheckLatency().

unsigned paTestData::noOfActiveWaves
int paTestData::noteCounter

Referenced by TestStopMode().

int paTestData::notesPerTune
int paTestData::numChannels

Referenced by test().

int paTestData::numFrames
int paTestData::numSines
int paTestData::outputUnderflowCount
volatile PaTime paTestData::outTime
PaTime paTestData::outTime
double paTestData::phase

Referenced by main(), and TestStopMode().

float paTestData::phase
double paTestData::phase
float paTestData::phase_increment

Referenced by TestStopMode().

double paTestData::phaseIncrement
int paTestData::phases[MAX_CHANNELS]
double paTestData::phases

Referenced by test().

float paTestData::phases[MAX_SINES]
int paTestData::playbackIndex

Referenced by main().

PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo paTestData::previousTimeInfo
PaUtilRingBuffer paTestData::rBufFromRT
void* paTestData::rBufFromRTData
PaUtilRingBuffer paTestData::rBufToRT
void* paTestData::rBufToRTData
SAMPLE* paTestData::recordedSamples
int paTestData::repeatCounter

Referenced by TestStopMode().

volatile int paTestData::requestBeep
int paTestData::right_phase

Referenced by main(), PlaySine(), and TestOnce().

double paTestData::right_phase
int paTestData::right_phase
float paTestData::rightPhase
PinkNoise paTestData::rightPink
PaUtilRingBuffer paTestData::ringBuffer
SAMPLE* paTestData::ringBufferData
int paTestData::sampsToGo
unsigned int paTestData::sampsToGo

Referenced by TestOnce().

short paTestData::sine[TABLE_SIZE]
float paTestData::sine

Referenced by LookupSine(), main(), and TestOnce().

sample_t paTestData::sine[TABLE_SIZE]
int paTestData::sineCount
int paTestData::sleepFor
int paTestData::sleepTime
PaTime paTestData::start
int paTestData::state
int paTestData::stopMode

Referenced by TestStopMode().

PaStream* paTestData::stream
float paTestData::targetBalance
void* paTestData::threadHandle
int paTestData::threadSyncFlag
float* paTestData::tune

Referenced by TestStopMode().

float paTestData::waveform[TABLE_SIZE+1]

Referenced by LookupWaveform().

OceanWave* paTestData::waves[16]

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following files: